The biggest change to billions of people lives in the last two decades and Steve Jobs missed out, but how and why you say?
I am referring to technology that is so common place you call it by a different name, of course I am referring to the web. Most of you "users" happily surf the web on your phone, your computer, laptop,netbook or even your tv without realising how your life has been affected by science and corporation. Sure I could harp on and talk about capitalistic states but that's reserved for another time.....
Back to the web, where were we? Oh yes, Steve Jobs and the web. Most of you believe the net or Internet is the web, well sort, but to you refer to your 1.4 engine as your car? No, thought not, it's not the same thing. They are part of the same process (your engine provides the means for your car to drive) in the same way the web is to the internet. The Internet is the technical part that connects to everything and the web is used like a blueprint before finally a browser is used to display all this technical stuff so you can read it in simple human terms. Imagine your car dash displaying your speed in lots of 0+1's, what would this do to help you asses your speed? Or the fuel gauge simply showing two dots - green for full and red for empty, there would be many cars running on empty!
So where does Mr Jobs fit in to this lesson, well it's sounding like one. Aha, well interestingly enough Steve created a computer and operating system called Next on his time away from the mighty Apple. During this period (late 80's) a certain clever bloke by the name Tim Berners-Lee worked at the CERN labs and wrote a language called HTML in partnership with Robert Cailliau. The language was designed to allow pages to be linked to other sources (people) so everyone could view each others work (mainly science at this time). Well Mr Lee created this work on a Next machine, all down to his simple interface (this is decades before the iphone) Hence forth, we know call this the web.
Therefore, maybe Steve Jobs really did miss the big one. Sure he shaped the current taste for interface in modern era, but maybe he could have owned HTML, imagine Apple owning that patent (more on patents in future blog) Save us all, it doesn't bear us thinking about, just thank god (or whoever) the web is free, thanks to the academic world, what will they bring us next?
Jobs was a genius of design aesthetic but the world needed hard-nosed business minds like Gates as well. And Wosniak usually gets missed out for some reason. What's the phrase? recipe for success - well recipes take ingredients and these three were only part of it. They may have got the fame, money and power, but lots of others contributed. And Berners-Lee was a visionary looking for a fix to his problem - how many scientific breakthroughs have happened that way? Kudos