What do I know about patents you might think, personally I don't have any registered, nor do I have any plans to. But you cannot escape the world of recent media, the press is full of legal battles and messy court cases, especially two of technologies largest - Apple vs Samsung. This case was down to disagreements over technology, similarities in design and application of phones and the software.
I did actually start writing about this a few ago before the final decision was made in favour of Apple, so please just bear with my idea for resolving patent disputes.
I have a quick easy, sure fire, simple method to alleviate any claim of this magnittude, it is not like either side will be happy with any result or like paying any such royalties thereon. What is my solution are you thinking, and why hasn't this already been used, who am I to put such suggestions forward, a mere speck on the horizon, a meloncholy man at best. Actually I have two suggestions:
This entails a broker (lets call them the iPodfather) having a one to one meeting with the head of Apple and Samsung. He/she then suggest they don't leave the room until a mutual solution is made, otherwise one of you will end up in a suitcase, henceforth a mafia style resolution.
Yes the age old ceremonous act of bravery, each leader is given a (virtual) gun each, they are to take their devices and the first to kill an angry bird wins the cause and the other surrenders in true honourable fashion.
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