Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Childhood visions of a dream job

This post I dedicate to my wife, basically because I have copied her level of randomness for a suitable topic.

Looking back to my childhood I wonder what I wanted to be when I reaching adulthood. Clearly you would assume empirically speaking I should know, because am I not already there? I propose a suggestion that maybe adulthood is not much different to childhood actually, only the semantics are different or the importance of decision making.

If I was to review my career paths from childhood I would clearly conclude there really was only ever a couple ever envisaged...... These were like most boys, footballer or astronaut, though looking back maybe I was old fashioned or just different?

I mean, comparing these careers to my current position I find myself somewhat distant from these goals! Was it the horrific injury that ended my playing career or defective genes that stopped my study of science and all things planetary? Well that would be the easy thing, blame someone else, but unfortunately no single person is to blame. I am just too poor at football to make it professional and after ending my career I actually realised how much I had done wrong, especially training and fitness wise. Luckily I played for over a decade and thoroughly enjoyed a cup final, once, and before hanging up the said "boots" i managed to run both 6 a side and 11 a side.

So am I an astronaut? No, sort of though as i have read many science fiction novels! Okay, okay, I dream of space and get excited watching the latest science fiction, surely that counts for something? I thoroughly enjoy reading about mans endeavour in space, the sheer scale of such an enterprise is really too vast for a simpleton like me. I don't think I would have survived the launch out of the planets atmosphere to be entirely honest, I get dizzy just spinning my daughter round (kids rides are far too hard core for me) and thus motion sickness is the vain of my intended path. Oh well I could always help them out, just need to become a genius, move to the USA and that's sorted.

Anyway back to the real world,  to postulate I have no idea what role I will perform in the future.  I would choose knowledgeable over wealth and success too, like most homo sapiens I want to be comfortable enough to support my family.   Previously I had assumed by now life would not be so unpredictable and uncertain. I do wonder if the general population think the same, or is it just men who don't grow up?

All I know for sure is the journey has not finished,whether we are discussing job ambitions or life, in some ways it feels like it has just started..... Out with the old and in with the new.........

1 comment:

  1. Men never grow up mate - believe me! And you never became a pro footballer cos you wasted your life watching the wrong team - should have been a BLUE! Being a parent is enough in life - believe me. But being a loved and loving husband puts the icing on it. And if we ever get bored, we can always become famous as actors in the OAP Big Bang Theory!
